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Present: Mr. Southouse Mr. Smith Mr. Bindor Beatrice SImonds SA the Workhouse July 17th 1733 Beatrice Simonds born in Stormy Lewis 110712 this May Polo Housloy down. Aged 50 years asked to bee admitted into this Workhouse also John Malcomb..... John Malcomb born in this Parish aged 110712 twelve years and William Moor born in Bishopsgate Parish aged 10 years. Ordered that their Settlements bee inquired Tho^s Davis admitted... Thomas Davis born in Riplegate Parish aged 8 years Eliza Glover d. Eliza Glover a Black Child Obadiah Abott d. Obadiah Abott born in Whitechappell parish aged 11 years Mary Abott d. Mary Abott born in the same Parish aged 8 years Thos. Hartfield d. Thomas Hartfield aged 10 years Sarah hartfield aged 6 years. Were all admitted All children admitted to be cloathed... Ordered that all Children admitted into the Workhouse shall be cloathed. New pastor... Ordered his news parish Chamberpots Candles... Ordered three pounds of candles a Sauce pan... Ordered a Saucepan of abt. six Quarts bee bought for the use of the Workhouse Present Mr. Southhouse Mr. Taylor Mr. Haggor Mr. Sandford Mr. Mason Mr. Smith Mr. Roro AH the Workhouse July 31st 1733 in a Journal meeting of the Trustees Mary Bell wife of Edmund Bell now a common Soldier who was appointed to in wood instrument maker of the Three Kings in London hallsheet was admitted. Beatrice Simonds aged 50 born 9th of September 1688 in Stormy Lewis[?] in the Parish of St. Olave in Southwark was admitted. Mary Bell admitted Beatrice Simonds d. Eliza Nash... Elizabeth Nash aged 48 born in the Parish of Creechurch admitted Mrs. Crouch admitted a rent in Greyhound allow.... Mrs. Crouch desired to take the Southmost house in Greyhound allow. at the rent of seven Pounds per annum and proposed that Mr. Yates at the Three Kings Stowhouse should bee [?] for the rent which proposal was accepted. Mrs. Crouch... Mrs. Crouch also desired to have a Bed and Boilsto[?] late Katherine Ward's was allowed. Pindor... Pindor desired a Crate a Bed and a P. of Shoes and P. of Stockings which were allowed. Eliza Malcomb.... Elizabeth Malcomb desired a pair of sheets a Bed and Bedding which were allowed. Ann Matthews... Ann Mathews desired to have a bed and [ink spot covering word] Bread which were allowed. Ronshaw applyed for some [illegible] the Chnage of moving his Goods to a new Lodging which was left to the discretion of the Churchwarden. James Johnson... James Johnson presented a Petition to put forth his Goods [] in Pawn for Praying row for the Saint was left to the discretion of the Churchwarden [This passage was quite smeared].