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Page 276:

Jones… Mary Jones was called before the Committee but could not come being drunk Ordered That the Next Committee she be reprimanded for that and beating Mrs. Hanks.

M. Gibbons…. S. Gibbons… Ordered that Mary Gibbons have a pair of Stockings and Sarah Gibbons an upper and under Petticoat.

Chn 1/ each for Ribbands…. Ordered That the Children have a shilling each allowed for Ribbands for the Procession to Christ Church. Exd.

St. Andrew Undershaft… At a Meeting of the Committee of the Workhouse on Wednesday the 2nd day of June 1779. Present Mr. Worthington]... Church Ward Mr. Penarie Mr. Mund]

This Day the Committee met at the Workhouse to inspect into the management thereof and the Affairs of the Poor belonging to the same according to Custom.

Biggs… Ordered Mary Biggs her Child a pair of Shoes and Stockings. ex.

St Andrew Undershaft}

A List of the Committee of the Workhouse for the Year 1779 commencing at Easter.

Mr. Samuel Worthington Church Mr. Joseph Denison Mr. John Mund……} Wardens. Mr. John Rodbard Mr. Joseph Biffin..... Mr. Thos. Pomeroy Mr. Willm. Blackbeard...} Overseers. Mr. John Taylor Mr. Willm. Pettit.....} Mr. John Garnons Mr. Edwd. Vanhartals.....} Mr. John Godfrey Klotz Mr. Robt. Wilkins Mr. Peter Penarie Mr. Willm May Mr. Joseph Swift Mr. Willm. Withers Mr. Chamberlain Birch