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Monthly Inspection

This Day the Committee met at the workhouse to Inspect into the management thereof and the affairs of the Poor belonging to the same according to Custom

Persons Reld

Ordered that Lydia Bibby be Permitted to go out for a Day and that Sarah Molliship have a Black Gown

Ordered that Thomas Wright be served with a Subpena Tickett to attend the Appeal against his Pass at Hicks Hall on Thursday Morning next.

St. Andrew Undershaft}

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Workhouse on Monday the

3^d. Day of October 1774.

Mr. Bellcett Chiton [?] Mr. Biffin Mr. Dep^y.[?] Mason Mr. May Mr. Davies Mr. Taylor Mr. Turberville Mr. Higden Mr. Pistor

Monthly Inspection

This Day the Committee met at the Workhouse to inspect into the Management thereof and the affairs of the poor belonging to the same according to Custom

St. Andrew Undershaft} At a Meeting of the Committee at the Workhouse on Monday the 21st. Day of November 1774


Mr. Belcott Chiton Mr. Pistor Mr. Dep^y. Mason Mr. Biffin Mr. Mashbee [?] Mr. May Mr. S. Butter Mr. Taylor Mr. Davies Mr. Higden Mr. Turberville Mr. Williams

Monthly Inspection

This Day the Committee met at the Workhouse to inspect into the Management thereof and the affairs of the Poor belonging to the same according to Custom Inquiry after Dan Southerland repd Fath of a Bastard

Ordered that proper Inquiry be made after Daniel Southerland an out Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital being charged by Catherine Jones of being the Reputed Father of the Child or Children she is now Pregnant with in order for his giving security for the same

Ordered that the following out door poor be Relieved/Viz. [?]

Persons Reld

William Goodwin for the maintenance of his nephew Daniel Goodwin three shillings per week during pleasure Elizabeth Taylor two shillings per week in like manner and Smithers at the Discretion of Mr. Churchwarden Belcott

At a Meeting of the Committee at the Workhouse on Monday the 19th. Day of December 1774 Present Mr. Bellcett Chiton Mr. W Butler Mr. Pistor Mr. D. Mason Mr. Marhbee Mr. Taylor Mr. Higdon Mr. Tuberville

Monthly inspection

This day the Committee met at the Workhouse to inspect into the Management thereof and the affairs of the Poor belonging to the same according to custom

Persons Discharged

Ordered that William Saunderson be discharged out of the House to Morrow and Elizabeth Griffiths as soon as the HolyDays are over

Persons Relieved

Also Ordered that Elizabeth Allen have a gown Elizabeth Baris a shift and pair of shoes Mary Barins a gown Ann Day a Pair of shoes and Ann Chine to be properly cloathed and to go to service

That Ann Chapman be allowed four schillings a week for her Daughters maintenance being turned out of the Hospital as incurable

Jones & Randall to be sworn touching their Pregnancy & to get Warrants against the reputed Fathers of their Bastards

That Catherine Jones and Elizabeth Randall be sworn and Examined touching their Pregnancy and that Warrants be got to apprehend the Refuted Fathers of the Children they are now Pregnant with in order for their giving security for the same