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St. Andrew Undershaft } At a Meeting of the Workhouse Committee held the 26th of February 1798 at the Ship Tavern Leadenhall Street. Present: Jno. Coggan Esq. Mr. Littler Mr. Stonard Mr. Wiet Kennedy} Patrick Kennedy sent for relief but was refused. Mitchell, Stevens} Mr. Jordan attended in order to take Richard Mitchell apprentice and Mary Ann Stevens be bound Apprentice with a free from Mr. Coggan. Hotine} Hotine applied for relief for the support of her Son but was refused. Baker} Baker applied to have the Chimney of her House repaired which was blown down and some relief in order to repair the damages sustained by the falling of the same and burning of her Sons Linen but being a Parishioner belonging to the Allhallows Staining she was referred to that Parish. Stevens} Mary Ann Stevens attended and consented to be bound apprentice to Mr. Jordan.