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St. Andrew} At a Meeting of the Committee of the Undershaft} Workhouse on Monday the 25. July 1796 Present at the Ship Tavern Liadenhall Street and by Mr. Littler adjournment at the Workhouse at Hoxton. Mr. Fearon Ann Moore applied, alledging her Goods Mr. Hornbury had been seized for £1.4 which She owed for Rent Mr. Winch & desired the Com[mitte]e wo[ul]d help her to redeem the same. Moore The Com[mitte]e did not comply with her request,

                            but offered her an Order to go into the Workhouse
                            which She declined accepting.

M. Smith Mary Smith from Gunham was relieved w[i]th 3/6 Drover Teresa Drover applied for relief has 4/ a Week

                            referred to Mr. Ch[urch] W[arde]n Manning

Turner Tho[ma]s Turner applied for relief gave him 5/.