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St. Andrew}               At a Meeting of the Committee of the
Undershaft}               Workhouse on Monday the 25. July 1796
Present:                  at the Ship Tavern Liadenhall Street and by
Mr. Littler               adjournment at the Workhouse at Hoxton.
Mr. Fearon                Ann Moore applied, alledging her Goods 
Mr. Hornbury              had been seized for £1.4 which She owed for Rent
Mr. Winch                 & desired the Com[mitte]e wo[ul]d help her to redeem the same.
Moore                     The Com[mitte]e did not comply with her request,
                                but offered her an Order to go into the Workhouse
                                which She declined accepting.
M. Smith                  Mary Smith from Gunham was relieved w[i]th 3/6
Drover                 Teresa Drover applied for relief has 4/ a Week
                                referred to Mr. Ch[urch] W[arde]n Manning
Turner                 Tho[ma]s Turner applied for relief gave him 5/.