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St Andrew Undershaft } Att a Vestry held the fourth day of October 1732

                      It was agreed and Ordered that the following Gentlemen bee a Committee for preparing a Scheme for Erecting a Convenient Workhouse for the Poor of this Parish, Viz: 
                      Rev.d Dr Berriman
                      Mr Anthony Mason
                     Mr John South
                     Mr Robt Myre
                     Mr Giles Vincent
                    Mr Phillip V[?]andon Endon
                   Mr James Gualtier
                   Mr Henry Gualtier
                  Mr Henry Tombs
                  Mr James Hagger
                  Mr Wm Smith

In pursuance of the order abovementioned the Comittee met the 27th day of Decembr^ last and came to severall Resolutions which were confirmed att a subsequent Meeting on wednesday the Fourth day of January and are as follow Viz: [In Margins]: Workhouse to bee in Hand Alley 1st Resolved that a House in Hand Alley at New Street in Bishopsgate streete belonging to Mr Olmins is the most fitt and Comodious place for a Workhouse that can bee found att present.