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Adjourned to Hoxton

Eliz.th Webb Elizabeth Webb a Flannel petticoat. ---------- Mary Collins Mary Collins a Shift Gown. ---------- Eliza.th Biggs Eliz.th say the Father of her Child is William Cooke who was brought up in Aldgate Ward School and is gone to Sea but she does not know what sShip he is on board of John Biggs--- John Biggs to be clothed Sarah Person --- Sarah Person} Rosetta Donovan --- Rosetta Donovan} Shoes and Stockings Diana Webb --- Diana Webb} Eliz.th Hayley --- Eliz.th Hayley}

Benj Donnovan --- Benjamin Donnovan a pair of Shoes.--- Ja.s Ross --- James Ross two Shirts a pair of Shoes and Stockings.---- Sarah Whitnell --- Sarah Whitnell half a pint of porter per day Ludwin Rosenberg--- Ludwin Rosenberge a Shirt. ---- John Peters --- John Peters two Shirts. Mary Foote--- Mary Foote a pint of Porter a Day but to be reduced when she is better. Frances Belsara --- Frances Belsara a pair of Stockings and a pair of Stays. Eliz.th Leverstone --- Eliz,th Leverstone to be permitted to leave the House and have a pair of Shoes and a Shawl W.m Tomlin --- William Tomlin a Shirt and a pair of Stockings, Francis Nott --- Francis Nott a pair Shoes.---- Hannah Cundell --- Hannah Cundell in the Hospital one shawl an Apron a pair of Shoes and two Shifts.---- Wm Herbert--- W.m Herbert attend,d & produced a Certificate of his ---- Marriage w.th Eliz.th Hoxley otherwise Oxlade(?) on this --- day.